Saturday, September 3, 2011

Recipe #1

Chocolate Banana Milkshake

The guys needed an icee today.

Sounds simple, but it is not. Since my son can't have food coloring, the only flavor that is safe for him is Cola. The convenience store 4 blocks away used to have them. Dad and son would take the occasional walk and come by with the coveted frozen drinks. Good times.....

Then the machine was replaced with a national brand name that ALWAYS has food coloring. They were so sad! But being a good dad, my hubby set out to find one that still served the cola flavor.  And they are out there, but you never know which one will be working, and have cola flavor as a choice.

It starts with the convenience store down the street. If they don’t have it, next stop is the gas station about 5 miles away. Then another 5 miles south to the lobby of a favorite department store. Usually, one of these will have it. Sometimes they don’t.

Fortune smiled on them today and after 30 minutes in the car, the convenience store had them. But unfortunately, we had checked the farther locations first. But it was sweet to see them coming out of the door, triumphantly carrying their favorite treats.

I must admit, I was annoyed with the whole trip. What had started out as a quick run to the pool supply store had turned into the familiar quest. So when we got home, I was in the mood for a frozen treat myself. One of my favorite coffee shops makes a chocolate banana smoothie. This tastes really close and sure improved my mood J

1 ripe, sweet banana

1 ½ scoops of good chocolate ice cream (or frozen yogurt)

½ cup of cold milk

Blend until smooth. Poor into a tall glass and top with whipped cream. Enjoy!

SO Much better than frozen sugar water!

“This is what the LORD says— your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel: “I am the LORD your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go.”       Isaiah 48:17 NIV

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