One thing about a trip to the store for supplies, you find more projects you want to do.
This morning I was tilling one of my garden beds when my husband returned from the men’s breakfast. He asked if I wanted to go to the store, but I needed that early time to work before the sun hit the yard. He agreed to wait a few more minutes so that we could go together.
I found the organic composted cow manure they carry. I sometimes use it when I can’t make compost fast enough for my big projects. I also picked up a bag of organic garden soil. I mix it with soil from the bed to start seeds. I also picked up a flat of marigolds to deter some of the garden pests.
My impulse buy for this week was a grape plant. I plan to grow it on the back fence. Now that we are home and talking things over, I wish I had read the label first.
I found the seed section with a bit of difficulty this time. It had been downgraded to one display. About an eighth of it was organic. Apparently, the nice people told me, this isn’t the season for seeds. I explained to them that Florida Gardening calendars have us starting some seeds now, but that is not when the seed companies send them to the store.
I looked through the organic seeds and found no corn, so I settled on a conventional pack. While we waited to check out, I read the seed packet. It said “sugar enhanced”. Really? I thought corn already had sugar naturally. That’s why we have corn syrup. Well, I don’t want enhanced seed at all, so I put them back.
When we got home, I read the pot the grape vine came in. It said nothing about being organic, natural or conventional. But it did have a website listed. They claim to be a leading supplier of premium blue berry plants, but had nothing at all about any other plants. Most of the site was dedicated to how wonderful they were and it was because of their scientific yada-yada.
So, I will keep the grape plant for now and buy my corn seed somewhere else. Or maybe find someone to swap seeds with who has grown corn successfully in this area. Sometimes it’s hard to draw the boundaries around what I want in my yard. I want to grow the things my family will eat, but I also want it to be as healthy and clean as possible. Organic items are not always available. My yard needs to be amended constantly it seems. So, I will keep trying and learning along the way. My family and our earth are worth it!
“The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it.”
Genesis 2:15
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